With TTAP, your dashboard will be loaded with custom-picked candidates to review. The purpose-built platform uses smart-matching technology – fuelled by diverse data – to match your advertised role with candidates who are a good-fit for the role and culture of your school.

With the most relevant candidates revealed in a few clicks, invest your time efficiently while reducing the risk of unconscious bias from entering the picture.

The digital content delivers insight into candidates’ soft skills and personality traits, so you can judge which candidates are a good-fit for the role and a good culture-fit for your school.

Complete the TTAP form to tell us what you’re looking for.

We’ll load your dashboard with custom-picked candidates.

Review each candidate’s digital content to inform your recruitment decision.

TTAP for schools

  • Simply register by providing details of your school, the advertised role and a few specific details of what you are looking for in a candidate.
  • Our smart-matching technology will suggest candidates who are a good-fit. Collaborate with your team via your shared dashboard to review each candidate’s digital content to inform your recruitment decision.
  • Only pay if and when you recruit, saving up to 80% on standard recruitment agency fees.
Register as a school

no credit card required!

TAPP for teachers

  • Your Teacherfolio added to selected talent pools where you are looking to work
  • Increased exposure to recruiting schools who are a good fit for you
  • Added bonus of being empowered to showcase your skills, experience and personality beyond the written word
Register as a teacher

forever free!

ITT providers

Empower your students to make a splash with TTAP!

  • Strengthen the employability offer of your institution.
  • Teacherfolio works with students to create a digital portfolio which documents their experience, empowering them to showcase their skills and personality beyond the written word when applying for their first teaching role.
  • The TTAP talent pool increases student visibility to recruiting schools and matches them to roles and schools that are a good-fit for them.
  • The well-matched schools gain a true insight into the students as their application is brought to life with Teacherfolio.
Contact us

Want more insight?

You can use the Teacherfolio Recruitment Tool alongside TTAP to collect bespoke digital content from your well-matched candidates.

View our recruitment prices
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